
You only need to read this section if you are in charge of installing geom at your site. Installation is very simple if your supports NFSS and your TEX-to-PostScript driver is Tom Rokicki's dvips [#!Rokicki!#].

To check whether you have +NFSS, see the beginning of Overall Organization. To install +NFSS, get it by ftp from (it is currently in ams/amslatex.tar.Z), and follow the installation instructions in the file amslatex/fontsel/nfssinst.tex.

If your driver is not dvips, you have two choices: either install dvips, which is almost certainly a good idea (get it by ftp from, in the directory pub); or make a copy of the file dvips.chg in this distribution, and modify it so it writes the \special commands required by your driver. If you adapt dvips.chg for your driver, give the new file a different name, and replace with this name all occurrences of dvips.chg in the rest of this section. Also, please send me a copy of the file, so I can include it in future distributions.

As I was saying before I got sidetracked, installation is simple. If you're on a UNIX system, edit the Makefile to make sure the pathnames are correct for your site, and run make install. If you're not on a UNIX system, here are the step-by-step instructions:

Place the files listed in the previous section (all the distribution files that end in .sty, .chg or .doc) in the system-wide directory for TEX input files. Create a symbolic link driver.chg in this directory, pointing to dvips.chg. (If your system does not support symbolic links, copy dvips.chg to driver.chg.)

Copy the file mathlabels.orig to mathlabels and edit its first line to be the correct pathname of the perl executable on your system. (If you don't have perl at all, you don't know what you're missing—get it as soon as possible.) Decide on a directory where you want to install the auxiliary scripts mathlabels and geomfix (which are used by mathfig), and put copies of them there. Copy the file mathfig.orig to mathfig and edit the lines at the top to specify the location of the mathlabels and geomfix scripts, then copy mathlabels to a system-wide directory for executables.

Finally, copy and into the directory where your TEX-to-PostScript driver looks for prolog files. (This assumes your driver supports the inclusion of prolog files; switch to dvips if it doesn't.)